Want to finally check off those draining tasks on your to-do list – the piles of laundry, the pantry you can’t find anything in – so that you can free your self and your mind and focus on what’s truly important to you?

I created the Neurodivergent Dub Club program to provide a haven for individuals who often feel misunderstood or overlooked in mainstream environments.

An online realm of support for Neurodivergent individuals to turn your to-do list into a to-done list. 💪 ✅

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Ever feel like you’re stuck in the loop of endless to-dos, staring at your tasks with a mix of frustration and overwhelm? 🙋‍♀️

It’s a vibe we all know too well.


Life throws chores, tasks, and responsibilities our way, and for those of us who are neurodivergent, it feels like there’s no escape from the never-ending cycle. 🌪️


In the midst of this chaos, us  Neurodivergents should recognizes that the way our brains work might make these tasks feel like an obstacle course. 🧩 The mountain of laundry or the sink full of dishes isn’t just a physical challenge; it’s a mental and emotional maze.


But being neurodivergent means our brains are wired differently, and that can sometimes make even the simplest tasks feel like climbing Mount Everest. 🏔️


That’s why I’m so excited to invite you inside a virtual, body doubling, hangout spot for Neurodivergents! 

👉 Introducing the Neurodivergent Dub Club

Enter the Neurodivergent Dub Club – your escape from the monotony of chores and the isolation of the daily grind, tailored specifically for brains that work uniquely.

Here, we’re going to be turning the mundane muggle tasks into check marks off of our to-do list. ✅ Need a friend on the phone while you’re tackling your chores? That’s what we’re here for. 

Picture this 🖼️ a community where your to-dos become opportunities for connection, support, and shared victories, all within the understanding that our neurodivergent minds approach things differently.

During our power-packed calls, we’re not just tackling tasks; we’re embracing the beauty of neurodivergent thinking. 🧠

The Dub Club isn’t just a club; it’s a revolution in the way we approach tasks, acknowledging and celebrating the neurodivergent mind. 🌈 My goal is to foster a sense of community and belonging, where neurodivergent individuals can come together, share their experiences, and support one another, while also receiving support from me.






🦄 Monthly Membership Benefits

📝 Task Focused Zoom Sessions

Three calls a month, each lasting an hour, to stay focused on tasks and complete them with the support of the group.

✨ Bonus Calls 

Bonus pop-up calls for additional support, motivation, and deep dives on topics like Human Design and Astrology.

👯 Private Facebook Group

A dedicated space to connect, share, and send supporting vibes to each other in between calls.

🌈 Collective Energy

Turn your tasks into a collaborative experience with other neurodivergent minds to get that extra push when you need it. 

Hey, I'm Jess 👋 Navigating the twists and turns of neurodivergent living, just like you.

The Neurodivergent Dub Club emerged from my personal journey, facing the frustrations and isolation that often accompany neurodivergent experiences. 🌟 I recognized the crucial need for a space where individuals could find understanding, solace, and support in the pursuit of their goals.

My commitment to creating this safe haven stems from a genuine desire to positively impact the lives of neurodivergent individuals. 🌈 Navigating the world alone can be daunting, and I aim to provide a supportive network offering encouragement, understanding, and a genuine sense of camaraderie.

The Neurodivergent Dub Club is more than a program; it’s a testament to my compassion, creativity, and determination to foster a more inclusive world for neurodivergent individuals. 🚀 It is a place where they can find the support they need to thrive, and where they can celebrate their unique strengths and talents.

Welcome to a space where neurodivergence isn’t a problem to solve; it’s a strength to celebrate! Let’s get things done and make the neurodivergent journey a bit more awesome, together. 💪

By offering a friendly and uplifting environment, I aim to alleviate the guilt and burden that can accompany the struggle to complete tasks.


I hope to empower you to conquer your to-do lists, while also providing a space to be seen and validated. 💕

I’m not just your Neurodivergent guide in the Dub Club; I bring a background as a professional organizer dedicated to creating organized and harmonious spaces.

I’ve mastered the art of transforming homes into efficient and functional havens. 🏡

As a Dub Club member, you can tap into my know-how for personalized guidance on decluttering, system development, or managing your space.

I’m not offering generic advice; I’m here with practical solutions tailored to your unique circumstances. My approach is rooted in empathy, understanding the diverse needs of neurodivergent individuals. 🌈

This extra layer of support, is designed to make a tangible difference in your life, enhancing the sense of empowerment and accomplishment within the Neurodivergent Dub Club.

With my expertise and passion for supporting neurodivergent individuals, the Neurodivergent Dub Club is a comprehensive resource to find guidance, understanding, and practical solutions to your organizing challenges.

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Your space to get stuff done, your Neurodivergent way. 🦄

You don’t have to go it alone; we’re so much stronger as a collective energy that understands the intricacies of your brain.

🤔 FAQ's about the Neurodivergent Dub Club
What is body doubling❓

Body doubling is a tool some adults use to help them start and complete projects. Sometimes referred to as an accountability partner, it is a technique for better productivity. A body double is a friend or partner who works simultaneously, either in the same room or virtually through video chat platforms.

Do I have to be Neurdivergent to join❓

Not at all! While the Neurodivergent Dub Club is tailored to the unique needs of neurodivergent individuals, everyone is welcome. Whether you’re neurodivergent or simply looking for a supportive community, you’re more than welcome to join us on this journey.

How do I join the calls❓

The calls will take place virtually on Zoom. You can join using your mobile device, iPad, laptop, or computer—whatever is most comfortable for your space. The schedule of the calls will be shared in advance, allowing you to plan your participation.

What kind of tasks can we work on during the calls❓

The Neurodivergent Dub Club is flexible. Whether it’s chores, work tasks, or personal projects, we’re here to support you in getting things done.

How long does my membership last❓

Your membership is designed to be as flexible as your needs. You have the freedom to stay as long as you find value in the Neurodivergent Dub Club. If you ever need to step back, you can cancel at any time. Just reach out, and I’ll guide you through the process. Keep in mind that membership fees are non-refundable.