90 minute session = $250

How Human Design Empowers Families

Understand and appreciate how each family member operates differently based on their unique Human Design chart.

Gain insights into communication styles, decision-making processes, and areas of strength for each person in the family.

Foster a sense of acceptance, understanding, and connection within the family by honoring each individual’s unique design.

Learn how to support and empower each family member in aligning with their true nature and maximizing their potential.


Explore the unique energies and dynamics within your family, and discover how Human Design can empower each member to embrace their individuality and thrive in their own way.

90 minute session = $250

Meet Jess, Your Neurodivergent Guide to Human Design

I’m autistic, ADHD, quad right, 3/5 manifesting generator, and I am here to guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery through the lens of Human Design.

As a neurodivergent individual myself, I bring a unique perspective and deep understanding of the intricacies of the human mind and spirit. My lived experience with autism and ADHD has gifted me with a heightened sense of empathy, intuition, and creativity, allowing me to connect with others on a profound level and see the beauty in our differences.

Being a quad right profile, I naturally possess a deep sense of introspection and self-awareness, making me adept at delving into the depths of your Human Design chart to uncover the hidden gems of your true self. As a 3/5 manifesting generator, I embody the energy of experimentation, innovation, and transformation, guiding you towards embracing your authenticity and manifesting your unique gifts in the world.

My passion for empowering neurodivergent individuals to embrace their uniqueness and unlock their full potential shines through in every Human Design reading I conduct. I believe in celebrating the diversity of human experience and honoring the beauty of neurodiversity in all its forms.

With a compassionate heart, a curious mind, and a deep reverence for the magic of Human Design, I am here to support you on your journey of self-acceptance, self-empowerment, and self-discovery. Together, we will navigate the intricate web of your energetic blueprint, uncovering the keys to living a life filled with purpose, authenticity, and joy.

Benefits for Neurodivergent Families

Human Design provides a framework for celebrating neurodiversity and recognizing the value of different ways of thinking and being.

Empowers neurodivergent individuals by validating their unique strengths and helping them navigate the world in a way that honors their authenticity.

Offers practical tools and strategies for overcoming challenges, enhancing communication, and promoting self-awareness within the family.

Promotes a culture of inclusivity, compassion, and support for all family members, regardless of their neurodiversity.

Are you ready to create a more harmonious and supportive family dynamic that celebrates individuality and thrives on diversity?


Let’s embark on a journey of self-discovery, understanding, and empowerment within your family through the power of Human Design.

90 minute session = $250